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Kids Playing Tug of War

The current groups running are:


Children who have lost someone close to them will discuss coping skills and learn how all people grieve differently.

Social Skills

Children who have difficulty building relationships and using age-appropriate social skills to learn to make friends will discuss ways to build those vital skills.

Resiliency through Life Changes

Children who have experienced big life changes will discuss their feelings, how to be resilient when big life changes happen, and how to be problem solvers when they need to be.


Children sometimes have a hard time regulating their emotions. This group will help them to learn skills in order to regulate their emotions and respond appropriately to world experiences.

Lunch Bunch

We have several lunch bunches running at one time and we discuss an array of topics such as: anxiety, friendship, family relationships, etc.

Individual Sessions

At times, children may need to meet with the counselor individually due to circumstances and privacy concerns.

Groups: Services

The current groups we have running are:

View groups and posts below.

No Groups at the Moment

Once a group is created, it will appear here.

Groups: Groups


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